你的挣扎是你的超能力|时代杂志 Instead, it’s that middle step that is actually the most important: the struggle. It’s a slog. It’s when you are banging your head against the wall, attempting to figure out a problem. It feels like you’re standing still, or spinning your wheels. You’re sure everyone else has their act together and only you are in the morass. There’s something wrong with you. It can be agonizing and almost unbearably frustrating. Nobody wants to go through it. 作者JOANNE LIPMAN在这篇文章探讨了在人生和工作中进行重新发明的重要性,特别是在经历了动荡的几年之后,许多人正在寻找“新常态”,寻求生活和事业中更多的意义,重新排列生活的优先顺序。作者写了一本名为《NEXT! The Power of Reinvention in Life and Work》的书,通过对数百个人的访谈以及专家们对变革过程的研究,总结了重新发明的四个阶段:搜索-挣扎-停顿-解决。文章强调了在这个过程中的“挣扎”阶段是最重要的,虽然困难,但却是找到解决方案的关键。最后,作者提出了一系列成功的转型者使用的策略,帮助读者应对生活中的各种挑战。
作者 西沢歩